Thursday, December 2, 2010

Crying for Fresh Blood

Finally somebody has heard the cry of the our lovely country Kenya, one cannot run for political office if their bank accounts are not sagging with money locally known as chapaa. What happens to "Jabali", a 29 year old with a great vision for his country? Simple, his vision dies a natural death with the mzee taking over the leadership for the umpteenth time!!! A vision is simply not good enough.Comical isn't it? We sit around in exclusive cafés talking in hushed tones about the same old same old. About how we need fresh blood in the national leadership yadayadayada.., but how come no one dare runs for public office? Are we scared? Of what? Okay, if running for office is way out there, then simple solution, vote for fresh blood! Exercise your power "Wanjiku", VOTE. Change the fate of this country.
The Yes Youth Can initiative by the US embassy to empower the youth through civic education to take a leading role in bringing change is manna. Empowering youth projects at the grass root levels goes a long way to ensure that Jabali is be able to run for Senator come 2012...:-) I do not think spending money for a good cause is synonymous to trying to overthrow the government. Is it a case of covering your back Sir come elections?
I had a stimulating conversation with "Baraza" who was a firm believer of the fact that we cannot change the face of Kenya, that some of the evils are so ingrained that dreaming of change is suicidal!!! He dared to say that even if new leaders arise to run against the existing ones, they are bound to lose. That we cannot replace! Are they stuck with super glue? Which mentality do we base our arguments on? A loser's or a winner's mentality? I think this is a classical case of lost hope. When you lose hope you simply stop living!
Let us be alive, let us dare to dream of a better tomorrow for Kenya, a better day, let us be alive!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Demistify This...

Sonko... a word that is common among the youth, a rich person in formal language. Can a non-sonko with political ambitions vie for a parliamentary seat? If your answer is yes think again. I am yet to come across a potential MP who does not have a hefty account to show for it. Do we as the noble Kenyans responsible for setting the bars high? Can a common mwananchi driven by a great vision for his constituency or country contest? Are we generally a materialistic society? What are we most passionate about? Wealth or a socially upright society? Are we more ready to extend a well oiled hand to a police officer to buy one's own freedom but in essence enslaving ourselves to corruption or stand up for what is right?
Is the victory of Sonko a sign to the seating MP's that they should perform or be sent packing? Are we hungry for new faces? Or the youth are proving a point, that their time has come? However, in our hunger for new faces we should exercise right judgement of character.
Someone help me understand, do the old fellows keep coming back because of their charisma? Do their words drip honey or are we are more comfortable with familiar faces? Or we think that since they are more grounded one's vote does not count? Let us exercise our voting rights fully!! Let us not vote because we have already predicted the results based on speculation but let us vote because we are driven to put leaders with a difference. Who will not seat on their laurels. Leaders who will not care whether their office vehicles are being leased or bought, but their main concern would be "can the members of my constituency afford the matatu fare and what can I do to help them increase their daily income so that they can stop living below the poverty line?" so that they can become sonkos in their own right!! We can do this!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Listening to Lieutenant General going on and on about how they are fighting corruption arises conflicting emotions in my being; hope and sadness. Sadness because that has been the never ending tale that they are going to step up on the war on corruption:-(((....and hope because there is an intention to bring order to an exercise that for a long time has been a goldmine to budding entrepreneurs with no conscience. Army recruitment for the longest time has been marred by undercover dealings!!Kudos to the Lieutenant General!! They are now going to involve the Anti Corruption Commission!!! I have met many people who have brushed away dreams of serving their country without fear or favor because they believe that you have to oil some hands to enable a smooth transition!! Where corruption is involved, the end does not justify the means... We should change our mindset as Kenyans, be more hopeful, dare to dream. Employ a Martin Luther mentality!! At least 2 out of 42people have been brought to book because of accepting bribes or posing as recruitment officials.That is a step in the right direction. We are quick to judge. Cross examine yourself. Do you knowingly or unknowingly perpetrate the injustice that in its basic essence is theft. Are you the guilty Kenyan who is ready to fork out a few notes, to buy your freedom?? Thus turning our police men to men driven by greed and not a strong desire to serve....?Food for thought! We are quick to pass judgment, however, this time reflect to remove the log in your own eye. Become a better citizen. Remember a small leak sinks a great ship!! Have an honest day will you?

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I am appalled at the amount of money we have used on refurbishing the Prime Minister's Office. I mean its running into a BILLION!!! Let me break this down. 700 million on buying the property and 329 million refurbishing!! Crazy amounts...and the government claims that they do not have enough money!!! I am curious, how come we are more concerned about Kenya's aesthetics than we are about the development? We as Kenyans should get our hands dirty!! Apathy is not an option.., BAD GOVERNMENTS ARE PUT IN BY GOOD PEOPLE WHO DO NOTHING

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

HAKI YETU: katiba

HAKI YETU: katiba: "Hey peeps! learnt anything new when you were reading the katiba? Why don't u share with other curious kenyans? We would like to make an info..."


Hey peeps! learnt anything new when you were reading the katiba? Why don't u share with other curious kenyans? We would like to make an informed decision!! ama?